Cyprus Embryo Donation Prices

Embryo donation price varies from 5,000 Euro to 7,000 Euro depending on the services provided by the centers in Cyprus and it doesn’t include accommodation expenses (hotels and transfer services).

What is Embryo Donation?

Embryo donation is the application of in vitro fertilization in case of the inability of male and female to perform reproduction and infertility in medical language. Embryo donation is performed successfully in our center.

How is the embryo donation process done in Cyprus?

Since the embryo donation process is a sensitive process, it is done in a healthy way with the presence of suitable and healthy egg donor for the woman and the male with the physical characteristics of the donor from the sperm bank. It is done as follows;

Selection of Egg Donors for Women in Embryo Donation Process

The right donor for women is selected accordingly with the physical characteristics of the lady who will have her blood group. Egg donors are selected between ages of 20 and 27.
Healthy eggs are determined by making all tests in laboratory environment.

Selection of sperm donor for male in embryo donation

The choice of sperm donor for male is selected according to the demands of the bank sperm family and the characteristics of the egg group and the egg donor are taken into consideration. Sperm is selected from the sperm bank. The male candidate’s standards are taken into consideration as all the tests abroad, the ability to fertilize very high, number, mobility and morphologically healthy and high quality samples are of a very good standard.

Tests Before Embryo Donation Process:
Before the treatment of embryo donation, the desired tests from men and women are as follows;
Spermogram analysis for the male, TESE or Micro-TESE Report, FSH, LH, Testosterone hormone analysis and HbsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV tests are required.

For women; In addition to LH, E2 and PRL, TSH, T3, T4, Fasting Blood Glucose, Whole Blood Count, HbsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV tests should be performed. Pelvic USG and HSG Film should be taken for uterine evaluation. Candidates aged 45 and over are required to receive a letter from the Cardiology and Internal Medicine Specialists with no obstacles.

Stages of Embryo Transfer Therapy in Cyprus:
Transfer treatment stages;You will need to stay for 3 days in Cyprus for embryo donation after a drug treatment that Embryo Doctor Jin. Op. Dr. Mürüde Çakartaş will start before you come to Cyprus. You can contact our doctor for more detailed information.

Success Rates of Cyprus IVF Center Embryo Donation Treatment
Embryo donation process in our Cyprus IVF center has a high success rate compared to other IVF centres. In the treatment of embryon donation, the eggs are taken from healthy and reproductive mothers. Sperms are taken from certified sperm bank with a very high quality rate. With the team consisting of women and Jin. Op. Dr Mürüde Çakartaş this process is done with 87% success rates.

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