With a population over eighty million, Turkey is a country that borders with eight different countries. And, Istanbul is the largest city of Turkey despite the capital Ankara. Turkey is one of the most visited countries in the world with it’s rich cultural heritage and beaches coasting to Black and Mediterranean seas. As a fact, Turkey was 4th most visited country in Europe in 2015.
While some people come to discover historical places of this beautiful country, its amazing beaches attract many others.
With over 1000 clinics and hospitals and more than 4000 of doctors, Turkey’s popularity as a place for in vitro fertility treatment is growing year by year. What makes it popular is price of IVF treatment. Which means you can get same treatment in Turkey as cheap as half of a price compared to western countries that might be giving with a same quality.
It is restricted to donate egg, sperm or embryo in Turkey by law compared to other western countries. That’s why couples can use only their own eggs and sperms. Even though this might be quite restrictive, the quality and price of IVF makes Turkey one of the most attractive destinations for IVF treatments.
As we mentioned before, there are some limitations in Turkey in types of IVF treatment you can get and people who can be a part of those treatments. Surrogacy is not allowed, same as egg, sperm and embryo donations. Treatment of single women or lesbians is against the law.
The IVF treatment is only allowed for married couples that use their own eggs and sperms. Also, PGS and PGD treatment are among the treatments that are legal in Turkey. Egg freezing is allowed for women with certain conditions:
⁃ if patient is cancer patient
⁃ if patient has diminished ovarian reserve or a family history of premature ovarian failure.
Laws of the Turkey states that:
• egg, sperm and embryo donations are not allowed
• Surrogacy is not allowed
• Non married couples are not allowed to be treated
• Its not allowed to treat single women or lesbian
• PGS and PGD treatments are allowed but gender selection without medical reason is not allowed.
• Even if there is no age limitation for treatment for patient by law. Most of the clinics will not accept treatment of women above 46 years old because only their own eggs can be used during the treatment
• Embryos can be stored up to 10 years. But couples have to inform clinics their intension towards storing their embryos for the next year annually.
• According to law only limited number of embryos can be transferred per each cycle during IVF treatment:
• – women younger than 35 can transfer only one embryo for first and second cycle and two embryos allowed after second cycle.
• Women older than 35 can transfer two embryos from first cycle
Safety and Quality
Ministry of Health of Turkey does inspection of clinics and hospitals every six month and assures that the quality of staff, equipment and services are at a world class standards. Almost all of the doctors have either European or American post graduate education with several years of experience.
Travelling to turkey, visa and cost
While some people that want to travel to Turkey may not need any touristic or business visas to enter, others may require to obtain an E-visa. All the remaining have to get their visas from Turkey Republic’s representatives abroad. Here are some countries that can enter to Turkey without visa:
1. Germany
2. Belgium
3. France
4. Georgia
5. Etc.
Most of the clinics can help you with obtaining touristic visa to Turkey.
Treatments in turkey and cost
Cost of the IVF treatment ranges between 1000 euros and 3000 euros. For international patient most of the clinics may offer special packages where the accommodation and airport transfers are in package price.
İvf in Turkey Treatment
Gender Selection | Not Avalaible |
Egg Donation | Not Avalaible |
Micro Sort | Not Avalaible |
Embryo Donation | Not Avalaible |
Sperm Donation | Not Avalaible |
Tandem Cycle | Available |
Inrtacytoplasmic Morphological Sperm Injection | Available |
Cryopreservation | Available |
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